Major Scale Harmony Relationship Chart
The Major Scale Harmony Relationship Chart has 7 mode degrees I – Aeolian, ii – Dorian, iii – Phrygian, IV- Lydian, V – Mixolydian, vi – Aeolian, vii – Locrian. If the scale has a Major 3rd the roman numerals are upper case letters and Minor 3rd lower case letters. Each scale can have can have a match to other 5 note pentatonic scales, arpeggios and chords to the same formula intervals of the different varieties. All these matches can be organized in to groups and categories like the periodic table in chemistry. This gives 30,000 feet view of all the matching scales, arpeggios and chords. Chord progression can be mapped out to outline the modal sound personality of the scale.
Here are some guitar chord diagrams inside the scale fingering and arpeggios with the bordered arpeggio not part of the chord fingering. They are slightly dimmed and transparent so you can better see the outline of the chord. I’m using the numeric Interval text to see the note relationships easier.
These are the Major Triads and 7th chord groups. Seeing the chord inside the scale fingering gives a whole new perspective of analysis how it fits inside the scale. There is a chord scale from the modes that guide chord progressions.