Primary Group Type
Primary Select Group Types (Radio Buttons) (Rev
3A) Scales > Diatonic, Pentatonic - Blues, Exotic, Synthetic
3B) Scale Modes > Diatonic Modes, Pentatonic - Blues Modes, Exotic Modes, Synthetic Modes
3A) Scales > Diatonic, Pentatonic - Blues, Exotic, Synthetic
Primary Select after the Primary and Key has been the selected the Scale popup menu selects the scale to load the Scale Formula enabling the
Note and Interval textbox controls and displaying the Step Lines and labels.
Last the fret board and the notes on the Music Staff are loaded
and Key and Scale Captions on the View Analysis group box control.
Below shows the four Scale Group Filter List per Radio Button that can be selected for each Primary Scale Type
Diatonic, Pentatonic - Blues, Exotic, Synthetic
21 Diatonic Scales 29 Pentatonic -Blues Scales 30 Exotic Scales 12 Synthetic Scales
3B) Scale Modes > Diatonic Modes, Pentatonic - Blues Modes, Exotic Modes
The Scale Mode Type Select Process is pretty much the same as the above but now the scale list are condensed down to the mode groups.
The Scales lists in the above groups that have brackets with the scale abbreviation and degree number are the scales that get put into the mode groups
Ex.Degree III > Ionian Aug. (HM3). There is one exception the Major Scale Modes List because they are so common. There is no synthetic mode list and the
radio button is disabled and grayed out. Synthetic Scales have too many notes and chromatic passing tone groups to give good mode degree examples.
Ex.Degree III > Ionian Aug. (HM3)
Diatonic Modes, Pent. - Blues , Exotic Modes