Primary Select Type (popup menu) Start Here

    1A) Scale

   1B) Scale Modes

The first staring point is Select Primary > Scales, Scale Modes  (Lower Left)

1A) Scales - This sets up to select one Scale at a time from one 12 note formula view in line vertically to the secondary view.

This is a easier way to select a scale with less mouse click to get the same scale.

The Relationship Chart has 5 columns to group Scales, Arpeggios & Chords in four grouping types in Columns 2 – 5.

These columns show a heads up view that match the secondary grouping for the scales and arpeggios.

Groupings Shown Below

Column 1 -  Scales, Arpeggios | Chords

Column 2 -  Diatonic, Major

Column 3 -  Pentatonic – Blues, Minor

Column 4 -  Exotic, Unaltered Dom7

Column 5 -  Synthetic,, Altered Dom7

1B) Scale Mode Select - This selects the all the Scale Modes to view in the Relationship Chart for each Scale Degree